Monday, August 15, 2011

How can you accurately say evolution is a fact, when it is in fact far from a fact?

Evolution vs Creation. First of all to all you who think evolution is a fact then you are an idiot. It is a theory, as is, from a scientific standpoint, as is creation. Accepting the theory of evolution takes as much faith if not more then creation. Both sides have umptions that you have to make in order to accept the theory. For example in order to accept creation you have to first ume that God does indeed exist. In order to accept evolution you have to first ume that the earth is indeed billions of years old. Now you are going to say wait the earth is billions of years old, but that is not a fact. They use radioactive materials to date the earth, however in order for this to be accurate you have to know how much there was to begin with. There is no way to know other then to ume what was there. So anyone saying evolution is a fact of life needs to learn the difference between a fact and a theory. Personally I think evolution is ridiculous, and to keep my reason simple, because just life, even at the cell, is FAR to complex to be random. Besides that, how do you explain the platypus? LOL

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